
Saturday, July 10, 2010

Stop Iran from executing mother accused of adultery

Stop Iran from executing mother accused of adultery

Tell Iran: Executing rather than stoning a woman to death is not good enough.

Sign the Petition

Mohammadi Ashtiani, an Iranian mother of two, could be executed as early as tomorrow.

As of yesterday, the Iranian government was set to carry out the barbaric use of stoning against Mohammadi Ashtiani for allegedly conducting an "illicit relationship outside marriage," despite the lack of any corroborating evidence against her.

Iranian officials were prepared to bury Mohammadi Ashtiani up to her chest and then throw stones at her head until she died.  But after a major international uproar, Iranian officials changed their minds.

Mohammadi Ashtiani is now in danger of being executed by other means.

Stop Iran's execution of Mohammadi Ashtiani >

Iran's government just doesn't get it - execution is wrong no matter which means are used.

What's worse - Mohammadi Ashtiani has already been punished for her alleged crime. In May 2006, she received 99 lashes as her sentence and has been imprisoned ever since.

But the fact that Iranian officials have already changed their minds once about Mohammadi Ashtiani's fate proves that they are listening. Iran's draconian policies are not immune to international pressure.

Let them know the international community stands united against this injustice. Tell Iran to stop the executions >

At least 126 executions have taken place in Iran just this year.  Each one was in defiance of international human rights standards.

But we can take action now to ensure that another cruel and senseless killing will not be added to the tally.

Please, the clock is ticking.  Don't let Mohammadi Ashtiani be executed.

Thank you for your urgent action,

- The team in partnership with Amnesty International USA


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