
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Press Release: MJPC also strongly condemns the barbaric massacres in the DRC

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Ugandan soldier killed in DR CongoNew Vision, Uganda - 9 hours agoBy Barbara Among A Ugandan soldier was shot dead on Sunday by a UN peacekeeper in the DR Congo, the UN mission (MONUC) in the country confirmed yesterday. ...Christmas massacres 'killed 400' BBC NewsDR Congo victims 'hacked to death and forced into fires' ABC OnlineBan denounces ‘appalling atrocities’ by Ugandan rebels in DR Congo UN News CentreXinhua - Aljazeera.netall 933 news articles »
Ebola death toll up in DR CongoBBC News, UK - Dec 29, 2008Eleven people have now died in an outbreak of Ebola in central Democratic Republic of Congo, say aid workers. Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) said one woman ...Ebola Outbreak Claims 11 Lives In DR Congo RTT NewsTwo more dead from Ebola outbreak in DR Congo: MSF AFPMSF Investigates Suspected Ebola Cases in Western Kasai, DRC Doctors Without Bordersall 132 news articles »
Ugandan rebels kill 400 in DR Congo: charityAFP - 7 hours agoKINSHASA (AFP) — Ugandan Lord's Resistance Army rebels killed more than 400 people in Christmas massacres in northeastern Democratic Republic of Congo, ...
Congo-Kinshasa: Rwanda, DR Congo Defense Ministers Discuss Joint, Washington - Dec 29, 2008Kubavu — Rwandan and DRCongo Defense ministers Monday met in the border town of Gisenyi in a bid to carry on with talks aimed at planning how to eliminate ...Rwanda wants to 'pacify' eastern DRCongo: minister (press release)all 3 news articles »
Standard Liege Target DR Congo's Tresor, Switzerland - 17 hours agoBelgian champions Standard Leige have joined the race for TP Mazembe's most-sought-after striker Tresor Mputu. The 23-year-old striker was top scorer in the ...
Donald Fraser students donate to Congo orphansVictoria Star, Canada - 2 hours agoWhile Dr. Wecker didn't discuss the current crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) with the young students, he noted later that the approximately ...
DR Congo/North Kivu: Calm on ground, forced recruitments in rebel ...ReliefWeb (press release), Switzerland - 12 hours agoThe Christmas holidays passed without reports of clashes, skirmishes or fighting in North Kivu, east of the Democratic Republic of Congo, for months theatre ...
Voice of America
Rebel leader predicts calm despite fears of violence in DR CongoAFP - Dec 23, 2008RUTSHURU, DR Congo (AFP) — Congolese rebel leader Laurent Nkunda predicted Tuesday eastern DR Congo would remain calm during the holidays, ...UN Extends Mandate Of DR Congo Peacekeeping Force RTT NewsDR Congo: Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #7 (FY 2009) ReliefWeb (press release)Rebel chief talks peace but ready for war The NationalAfrican Press Agency - UN News Centreall 118 news articles »
Lord's Resistance rebels kill almost 200 in Congo: UNAFP - Dec 29, 2008Troops from DR Congo, Uganda and southern Sudan have been working together since mid-December to find Kony, who is wanted by The Hague-based tribunal for ...
CWS Hotline - 29 Dec 2008: DR Congo, GeorgiaReliefWeb (press release), Switzerland - 23 hours agoBageni Katembereza and her six children were forced to suddenly flee their home in September when the recent fighting hit their village in eastern Congo. ...Still room at the inn as Congo's poorest offer war displaced shelter Ecumenical News International

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Pressure mounts on UN in Congo (MONUC) to arrest war criminal NkundaMediaSyndicate (press release) - Dec 23, 2008He also denounced the failure of MONUC to take appropriate measures to arrest NKUNDA despite new evidence that his troops continue to commit heinous crimes ...
A petition demanding MONUC to arrest NKUNDA immediately for war ...Free press releases (press release), UK - Dec 6, 2008A web site calling for the UN peacekeeping mission in the Congo (known by its French acronym MONUC) to immediately arrest Laurent Nkunda to face justice for ...
Daily Monitor
Obama makes historyDaily Monitor, Uganda - 5 hours agoFormer Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo meets DR Congo rebel leader renegade General Laurent Nkunda at Jomba, North Kivu. Nkunda agrees to a ceasefire, ...
African ministers hold conflict talksAFP - Dec 22, 2008The meeting was also to discuss the adjournment of peace talks between the DR Congo government and Laurent Nkunda's rebels who refused to sign a joint ...
MJPC: An Online Museum of the Victims of War in the DR Congo has ...MediaSyndicate (press release) - Dec 13, 2008"There is no justification for MONUC, which has more than 17000 troops in the DRC, to not take concrete actions to arrest Nkunda who is the subject of an ...
New York Times Finally Sees Nkunda's Congo GenocideBlack Star News, NY - Dec 20, 2008... 2008 issue: "General Nkunda is all but certain to face an arrest warrant from the International Criminal Court for atrocities committed during his years ...
Congo Needs 5 Minutes and 27 Seconds of Your Time TodayHuffington Post, NY - Dec 11, 2008In The Hague, the International Criminal Court issued a warrant of arrest earlier this year against Bosco Ntaganda, Nkunda's chief of staff. ...Congo-Kinshasa: Beyond Crisis Management in the East AllAfrica.comDR Congo: EU ‘Bridging’ Force Needed to Protect Civilians Human Rights Watch (press release)all 109 news articles »
Namibia: 'DRC Refugee' Arrested at, Washington - Dec 3, 2008These agents apparently arranged the travel documents that resulted in Eli's arrest. The two agents were said to have been arrested after arriving in ...
Congo peacekeeping mission no longer equal to task: UNAFP - Dec 17, 2008"I have asked Nkunda to put an end" to the abuses, he added, singling out the town of Kiwanja, 80 kilometres (50 miles) north of the main eastern city of ...
Times Online

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

RDC : la Libye envoie une mission humanitaire Afrik via Yahoo! Actualités - 24 déc. 13 h 59
L’ambassadeur libyen en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) a annoncé mardi que son pays enverrait très prochainement un avion d’aide humanitaire pour venir en aide aux déplacés de l’est de la RDC. Il a rappelé l’implication de son pays et de son chef d’Etat, Mouammar ...

RDC : les rebelles refusent le cessez-le-feu Afrik via Yahoo! Actualités - 22 déc. 13 h 07
Les représentants du Congrès National pour la Défense du Peuple (CNDP) de Laurent Nkunda ont refusé de signer à Nairobi la déclaration conjointe de cessez-le-feu souhaitée par les anciens chefs d’Etat et médiateurs Olusegun Obasanjo et Benjamin Mkapa. Ils ont également refusé de réaffirmer celui ...

2008: de la crise alimentaire à l'explosion de la piraterie Reuters via Yahoo! Actualités - 23 déc. 16 h 49
De la crise alimentaire à l'explosion de la piraterie dans le golfe d'Aden, cinquième et dernier volet de notre série sur les temps forts de l'actualité internationale en 2008.

Les rebelles refusent de s'engager sur leur cessez-le-feu en RDC Reuters via Yahoo! Actualités - 21 déc. 11 h 38
Le mouvement rebelle de Laurent Nkunda a refusé de s'engager de nouveau à respecter un cessez-le-feu unilatéral qu'il a déclaré le 6 décembre au Nord-Kivu, dans l'est de la République démocratique du Congo, indiquent les médiateurs aux pourparlers de Nairobi.

RDC : les discussions reprennent entre le CNDP et le gouvernement Afrik via Yahoo! Actualités - 19 déc. 13 h 33
Après six jours d’interruption, les pourparlers entre les rebelles du Congrès National pour la Défense du Peuple (CNDP) et le gouvernement de Kinshasa ont repris jeudi à Nairobi au Kenya. Le porte-parole de la rébellion de Laurent Nkunda, Bertrand Bisimwa, s’est dit « optimiste ...

RDC: mise en garde de l'ONU au chef rebelle Laurent Nkunda AFP via Yahoo! Actualités - 17 déc. 13 h 25
KINSHASA, 17 déc 2008 (AFP) - Le chef de la mission de l'ONU en République démocratique du Congo (RDC), Alan Doss, a demandé au chef rebelle congolais Laurent Nkunda de mettre fin aux exactions commises par ses hommes dans l'est du pays qui pourront être "considérées comme des crimes de guerre".

RD Congo: l'ONU affirme que le Rwanda aide les rebelles de Laurent Nkunda AFP via Yahoo! Actualités - 13 déc. 15 h 23
NEW YORK (AFP) - Le Rwanda apporte une aide multiforme, notamment dans le recrutement d'enfants soldats, au groupe rebelle du tutsi Laurent Nkunda dans l'est de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC) voisine, affirme un rapport d'experts de l'ONU publié vendredi.

Les experts de l'ONU affirme que le Rwanda aide les rebelles de Laurent Nkunda en RDC AFP via Yahoo! Actualités - 12 déc. 19 h 15
NEW YORK (Nations unies) (AFP) - Le Rwanda apporte une aide multiforme, notamment dans le recrutement d'enfants soldats, au groupe rebelle de Laurent Nkunda dans l'est de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC) voisine, affirme un rapport d'experts de l'ONU publié vendredi.

RDCongo: l'UE demande à Nkunda d'abandonner ses revendications nationales AFP via Yahoo! Actualités - 11 déc. 20 h 48
GOMA (AFP) - Le commissaire européen au Développement Louis Michel a demandé jeudi dans l'est de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC) au chef rebelle Laurent Nkunda d'abandonner ses revendications nationales pour se concentrer sur "les causes profondes" du conflit dans l'Est.

RDC: le rapport de l'ONU "sans fondement" selon les rebelles AFP via Yahoo! Actualités - 14 déc. 07 h 42
DAKAR (AFP) - Le rapport de l'ONU affirmant que le Rwanda apporte une aide, tant militaire que financière, aux rebelles congolais de Laurent Nkunda, "n'a pas de fondement", a affirmé samedi un responsable de la rébellion.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Congo-Kinshasa: la protection des civils doit être la priorité de la MONUC, selon le Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU AP via Yahoo! Actualités - 23 déc. 00 h 41
Le Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU a condamné lundi la récente offensive rebelle dans l'est du Congo-Kinshasa, qui a entraîné le déplacement de plus de 250.000 personnes, et a donné l'ordre à la MONUC de faire de la protection des civils sa principale priorité.

RDC : la Monuc "devrait"faire usage de la force Afrik via Yahoo! Actualités - 23 déc. 11 h 52
Le ministre kényan des Affaires étrangères, Mose Wetangula, a indiqué lundi, lors d’une rencontre interministérielle à Nairobi, que les soldats de la Monuc présents en République démocratique du Congo (RDC) devraient être autorisés à faire usage de la force pour rétablir la paix et la stabilité ...

MSF publie son classement des 10 crises humanitaires les plus graves Afrik via Yahoo! Actualités - 22 déc. 21 h 10
L’ONG Médecin Sans Frontières a publié lundi son classement des dix pires crises humanitaires de l’année 2008. Huit pays connaissent une situation critique : la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC), la Somalie, l’Irak, le Soudan, l’Ethiopie, le Myanmar, le Zimbabwe et le ...

MSF publie sa liste des dix pires crises humanitaires AFP via Yahoo! Actualités - 22 déc. 17 h 57
La République démocratique du Congo, la Somalie, l'Irak, le Soudan et le Pakistan sont le théâtre des "dix pires crises humanitaires et médicales" au monde, estime l'ONG Médecins sans frontières (MSF).

2008: de la crise alimentaire à l'explosion de la piraterie Reuters via Yahoo! Actualités - 23 déc. 16 h 49
De la crise alimentaire à l'explosion de la piraterie dans le golfe d'Aden, cinquième et dernier volet de notre série sur les temps forts de l'actualité internationale en 2008.

Canal Plus viserait l'un de ses homologues africains La Tribune via Yahoo! Actualités - 23 déc. 11 h 54
Le groupe Canal Plus (détenu par Vivendi), ou plus exactement sa filiale internationale, Canal Plus Overseas, serait, selon des informations parues ce mardi dans "Le Figaro", en pleine négociation avec l'opérateur sud-africain de télécommunications Gateway Communications à propos du rachat de sa filiale GTV, une plate-forme de télévision payante en Afrique du Sud.

Les rebelles refusent de s'engager sur leur cessez-le-feu en RDC Reuters via Yahoo! Actualités - 21 déc. 11 h 38
Le mouvement rebelle de Laurent Nkunda a refusé de s'engager de nouveau à respecter un cessez-le-feu unilatéral qu'il a déclaré le 6 décembre au Nord-Kivu, dans l'est de la République démocratique du Congo, indiquent les médiateurs aux pourparlers de Nairobi.

Mugabe qualifie Bush de "cheval mourant", le choléra continue de propager AFP via Yahoo! Actualités - 23 déc. 16 h 26
HARARE (AFP) - Le président zimbabwéen Robert Mugabe a qualifié mardi de "cheval mourant" son homologue américain George W. Bush et son administration "en déclin", alors que l'épidémie de choléra continue de se propager avec près de 1.200 morts selon un nouveau bilan de l'Unicef.

Le Congo arrête des étrangers soupçonnés de malversations La Presse Canadienne via Yahoo! Actualités - 20 déc. 02 h 38
KINSHASA - Plusieurs hommes d'affaires étrangers ont été arrêtés au Congo-Kinshasa, soupçonnés d'avoir détourné des fonds destinés à la construction de routes, a indiqué vendredi le ministère de la Justice congolais.

Alain Gachet, sourcier des temps modernes via Yahoo! Actualités - 22 déc. 17 h 07
Inventeurs, penseurs, chercheurs, ils explorent de nouvelles pistes, qui convergent vers un but commun : vivre mieux demain sans hypothéquer les chances des futures générations d'en faire autant.
383 News PhotosPlay Play 2 News Videos

Rebel leader predicts calm despite fears of violence in DR Congo AFP via Yahoo! News - Dec 23 12:54 PM
Congolese rebel leader Laurent Nkunda predicted Tuesday eastern DR Congo would remain calm during the holidays, even as a government military leader warned of fresh violence.

DR Congo to be rid of LRA rebels 'in days': minister AFP via Yahoo! News - Dec 23 12:45 PM
The Democratic Republic of Congo expects to be rid of fighters from Uganda's rebel Lord's Resistance Army within days, the country's foreign minister said on Tuesday.
New mandate for DR Congo UN force BBC News - Dec 22 12:04 PM
The UN extends the mandate of its peacekeeping force in DR Congo, boosting its powers to protect civilians.
UN Extends Mandate Of DR Congo Peacekeeping Force Nasdaq - Dec 23 3:38 PM
(RTTNews) - The United Nations Security Council has approved a stronger mandate for the UN peacekeeping force in the Democratic Republic of Congo and has extended it by a year, said officials on Tuesday.
UN Peacekeepers In Dr Congo On Alert - Dec 23 1:32 PM
The United Nations peacekeeping mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has put bases in war-ravaged North Kivu province on high alert and is conducting additional patrols amid increasing concern at “clear evidence” of a build-up by mainly Tutsi rebels in key areas.

DR Congo rebels warn off govt troops AFP via Yahoo! News - Dec 22 6:56 AM
Democratic Republic of Congo rebels on Monday accused government troops for the second time in three days of advancing into positions that could spark renewed conflict in the east of the country.
DR Congo peace talks to resume early next year People's Daily - Dec 21 9:24 PM
UN-backed talks between the government of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo) and a main rebel group, aimed at finding a peaceful resolution to the strife-ridden country's brutal armed conflict, have adjourned and will resume early next year. A statement from Olusegun Obasanjo, UN Secretary-General's Special Envoy and former Nigerian president and Benjamin Mkapa, the former Tanzanian ...
UN extends mandate of DR Congo force Australian Broadcasting Corporation - Dec 23 12:47 AM
The United Nations Security Council has unanimously approved a stronger mandate for peacekeeping troops in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
UN asks peacekeepers in DR Congo to step up protection of civilians People's Daily - Dec 23 1:46 AM
The UN Security Council Monday told United Nations peacekeepers in strife-torn eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) to prioritize the protection of civilians. The Council called on MONUC, the 20,000-strong UN mission in the DRC, to make priority the protection of civilians, including aid workers, and assist the voluntary return of refugees and internally displaced persons. The Council ...

DR Congo to resume peace talks with rebels in January AFP via Yahoo! News - Dec 21 9:19 AM
Peace talks between the Democratic Republic of Congo government and rebel forces in the eastern provinces will resume on January 7, after failing to agree on a mutual cessation of hostilities, mediators said here Sunday.
Reuters South Africa
DR Congo to be rid of LRA rebels 'in days': ministerAFP - 45 minutes agoPARIS (AFP) — The Democratic Republic of Congo expects to be rid of fighters from Uganda's rebel Lord's Resistance Army within days, the country's foreign ...Uganda chases rebels in DR Congo United Press InternationalUN demands Ugandan rebels sign peace accord XinhuaRecent Attacks Aim to Pressure Rebels to Sign Peace Deal, Says ... Voice of AmericaFrost Illustrated - ReliefWeb (press release)all 166 news articles »
BBC News
New mandate for DR Congo UN forceBBC News, UK - Dec 22, 2008The UN has extended the mandate of its peacekeeping force in the Democratic Republic of Congo by a year, boosting its authority to protect civilians. ...UN force in DRCongo renewed AFPDR Congo peace talks to resume early next week XinhuaCongo-Kinshasa: The Imperative of Saving DR Congo AllAfrica.comAFP - AFPall 258 news articles »
Daily Nation
UN asks peacekeepers in DR Congo to step up protection of civiliansXinhua, China - 16 hours ago22 (Xinhua) -- The UN Security Council Monday told United Nations peacekeepers in strife-torn eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) to prioritize ...UN extends DR Congo mandate Aljazeera.netUN extends mandate of DR Congo force ABC OnlineUN votes to extend DR Congo mandate (press release) - ReliefWeb (press release)all 145 news articles »
Rebel leader predicts calm despite fears of violence in DR CongoAFP - 45 minutes agoRUTSHURU, DR Congo (AFP) — Congolese rebel leader Laurent Nkunda predicted Tuesday eastern DR Congo would remain calm during the holidays, ...
Aid work 'increasingly hazardous'BBC News, UK - Dec 22, 2008In a list of "top 10" humanitarian crises, Medecins Sans Frontieres said conditions in Somalia, DR Congo and Sudan were particularly challenging. ...Aid group lists 'Top 10' humanitarian crises USA TodayMedical aid charity has grim diagnosis on world's humanitarian crises ScotsmanMSF’s Top Ten - How Disconnection Affects Public Health WorldChangingSky News - The Canadian Pressall 180 news articles »
100 th HUMANITARIAN WORKER KILLED THIS YEAR IN DR CONGO; VIOLENCE ...MaximsNews Network, NY - 19 hours agoUNITED NATIONS - / MaximsNews Network / 22 December 2008 -- UN blue helmets stationed in the Democratic Republic of Congo have had to increase their efforts ...
Rwanda: Government Ridicules UN, Washington - Dec 22, 2008Speaking at a press conference held on Monday, the Minister of Information in the Prime Minister's office, Louise Mushikiwabo, said that the DR Congo ...Letters from Rwanda Denver Postall 7 news articles »
African ministers hold conflict talksAFP - Dec 22, 2008The meeting was also to discuss the adjournment of peace talks between the DR Congo government and Laurent Nkunda's rebels who refused to sign a joint ...African ministers discuss Somalia, DR Congo, Mauritania in ... African Press Agencyall 399 news articles »
DR Congo: Preventable diseases claiming more children's livesReliefWeb (press release), Switzerland - 10 hours agoBy World Vision staff The number of children under the age of five dying from disease as a direct result of war has increased notably in eastern Congo, ...
Daily Nation
Kenya appeals to UN to review DR Congolese peacekeepers mandateXinhua, China - Dec 20, 2008Kenyan Foreign Minister Moses Wetangula said the UN peacekeepers in DR Congo (MONUC) should be allowed to use force to restore peace and stability in the ...Kenya appeals for more funds to stabilize war torn countries Xinhuaall 10 news articles »
New mandate for DR Congo UN forceBBC News, UK - 19 hours agoThe UN has extended the mandate of its peacekeeping force in the Democratic Republic of Congo by a year, boosting its authority to protect civilians. ...Eastern Congo is top priority for UN peacekeepers The Associated PressPeacekeepers in Eastern Congo Given Stronger Mandate BloombergDR Congo rebels warn off govt troops AFPOttawa Citizen - Monsters and Critics.comall 258 news articles »
BBC News
Aid Group: Somalia, Congo, Burma Among Top 10 CrisesVoice of America - 23 hours agoBy VOA News An international aid organization says violence in Somalia, forced civilian displacements in eastern Congo, and neglected medical emergencies in ...Aid group lists 'Top 10' humanitarian crises USA TodayAid work 'increasingly hazardous' BBC NewsDoctors group says Somalia and Congo are among Top 10 in crisis The Canadian PressKGAN - Scotsmanall 175 news articles »
UN asks peacekeepers in DR Congo to step up protection of civiliansXinhua, China - 9 hours ago22 (Xinhua) -- The UN Security Council Monday told United Nations peacekeepers in strife-torn eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) to prioritize ...UN: Zimbabwe May Have Received Chinese Weapons Via Congo Voice of AmericaUN council bolsters its peacekeepers in Congo Reuters South AfricaUN extends DR Congo mandate Aljazeera.netABC Online - RTE.ieall 134 news articles »
Reuters South Africa
UN commends action against Ugandan rebelsThe Associated Press - 9 hours agoUNITED NATIONS (AP) — The UN Security Council has commended Uganda, southern Sudan and Congo for waging a military offensive against Ugandan rebels who have ...UN demands Ugandan rebels sign peace accord XinhuaUganda chases rebels in DR Congo United Press InternationalUganda hails 'success' of assault against rebels AFPVoice of America - Reuters South Africaall 169 news articles »
Commentary: No one is safe in Congo strifeCNN International - 1 hour agoBy Mia Farrow Editor's Note: Actress, Mia Farrow, a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, visited the war-torn eastern Democratic Republic of Congo from December ...Congo, Rwanda agree plan to disband militia Ottawa CitizenMia Farrow calls for access for aid agencies in Congo UNICEF UK (press release)Clear evidence of war crimes in Congo: EU Ottawa Citizenall 4 news articles »
Mexivada reports New Alluvial Gold Discovery at Mourindjoka, ROC CongoPR Newswire (press release), NY - 48 minutes ago23 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ - Mexivada's Chief Geologist in the ROC Congo, Dr. Noel Watha-Ndoudy, has reported the discovery of a new area of alluvial gold ...CVE:MNV
WWF International
Official: Mountain gorillas surviving despite Congo conflictMonsters and - 2 hours agoRangers have not been able to access the gorillas in the Virunga National Park, eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, since rebel Tutsi general Laurent ...Conflict zone Mountain Gorillas viewed by rangers for first time ... WWF Internationalall 5 news articles »
Congo's ConflictForbes, NY - Dec 21, 2008Think of Congo and war comes to mind. A war fought in places with unfamiliar names--Goma, Kiwanja, Kanyabayonga, Sake and Rutshuru. ...Rwanda: Government Ridicules UN Report AllAfrica.comLetters from Rwanda Denver Postall 4 news articles »
UNICEF (press release)
Republic of Congo launches roadmap for flour fortificationUNICEF (press release), NY - 16 hours agoPOINTE NOIRE, Republic of Congo, 22 December 2008 – Congo has launched a 'roadmap' to reduce the prevalence of iron-deficiency anaemia among children and ...CONGO BRAZZAVILLE: Peace Is Hell Strategy Pageall 2 news articles »

Monday, December 22, 2008

Pressure mounts on U.N. in Congo (MONUC) to arrest war criminal Nkunda

Sacramento, California, December 23, 2008: The Mobilization for Justice and Peace in Congo (MPJC) reiterated its call for the UN in Congo (MONUC) to immediately arrest the notorious war criminal Nkunda in order to at least give some meaning to their own recent findings which revealed that at least 150 people were killed innocently in early November by Nkunda's troops in the village of Kiwanja. Incontestably, the UN report offers a light showing that Nkunda continues to commit war crimes. According to the Director of Community Affairs of the MPJC, Makuba SEKOMBO, the MPJC invites community organizations, religious organizations, trade unions, and other members of the community to join in calling for MONUC to carry out its international obligations by immediately arresting the war criminal who seems to be finding pleasure in continuing to inflict unacceptable and intolerable suffering to the most vulnerable groups of the civil society in eastern DR Congo.

MPJC believes that the failure of MONUC to take measures to arrest this war criminal has served to encourage him to commit more war crimes against civilians. According to Mr. SEKOMBO, the tragic humanitarian crisis in North Kivu for example could have been avoided if the United Nations had taken seriously the warnings from Human Rights Watch since 2006 that as long as Nkunda is at large, the civilian population remains in great danger. Instead of taking these warnings seriously, the MONUC decided to make this notorious war criminal a partner ignoring even that in 2005, the Government of Congo has issued an international arrest warrant against him for his involvement in many war crimes and other serious violations of human rights. "Without mentioning that the most prestigious organizations in the world such as Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and others begun to document war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by troops under the direct command of NKUNDA since 2002, why it remains unpunished? " Mr. SEKOMBO asked him self.

"It is both ironic and tragic; MONUC which is in Congo to help promote peace, is now engaged in promoting a culture of rewarding war criminals by helping them to be appointed to high level government posts instead of ensuring that these war criminals are duly punished for war crimes they commit, "said SEKOMBO. He also denounced the failure of MONUC to take appropriate measures to arrest NKUNDA despite new evidence that his troops continue to commit heinous crimes against innocent civilians, including repeated massacres of civilians, forced recruitment of children as fighters and then use them to attack civilian comunities and sexual violence against women and children. "We also believe that it is not too late for the United Nations to help transform the situation in Congo, but peace and justice must go hand in hand" said SEKOMBO

MPJC recently launched a petition to collect signatures of concerned citizens around the world to demand the United Nations Mission in Congo (MONUC) to immediately arrest the notorious war criminal Nkunda. Citizens of the world are signing the petition, including those of Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, the United States, Kenya, Sweden, Rwanda, France, Germany, Denmark, Germany, Italy, New Zealand, Norway, the Philippines, South Africa, Malawi, Burundi, Senegal, Nigeria, Spain, Japan, United Kingdom Venezuela, China, Zimbabwe, Tanzania and Uganda. The online petition can be signed at
About the MJPC.

MJPC ( aims to add a voice in the promotion of justice and peace in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in particular in the east where thousands of innocent civilians, including children and women continue to be victims of massive human rights violations while the armed groups responsible for these crimes remain unpunished. Visit the online museum of victims of war in Congo at to see the unacceptable barbarity that you could help stop by signing the petition. For more information on MJPC and their activities, visit the wbsite or call 916 753 5717. The online petition can be signed at
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La Pression s'intensifie sur l'arrestation de NKUNDA Press Release

La Mobilisation pour la Justice et la Paix au Congo (MPJC) réitère son appel à l'ONU au Congo (MONUC) d'arrêter immédiatement le criminel de guerre notoire Nkunda afin de donner un sens à leurs propres conclusions récentes qui ont révélé qu'au moins 150 personnes ont été tuées innocemment au début du mois de Novembre par les troupes de Nkunda dans le village de Kiwanja. Impossible de contester, le rapport de l'ONU offre une grande lumière en montrant que Nkunda continue à commettre des crimes de guerre. Selon le Directeur des Affaires Communautaires de la MPJC, Makuba SEKOMBO, la MPJC invite les organismes communautaires, les organisations religieuses, des syndicats, et de simples membres de la communauté à se joindre à appeler à la MONUC de s'acquitter de ses obligations internationales en arrêtant immédiatement ce criminel de guerre qui semble trouver de plaisir en continuant à infliger des souffrances inacceptables et intolérables aux groupes les plus vulnérables de la société civile dans l'est de la R.D. du Congo.

MPJC estime que l'échec de la MONUC de prendre des mesures pour arrêter ce criminel de guerre a servi pour l'encourager à commettre plus de crimes de guerre contre des civils. Selon M. SEKOMBO, la tragique crise humanitaire au North Kivu par example aurait pu être évitée si l'ONU avait pris au sérieux les avertissements de Human Rights Watch depuis 2006 que tant que Nkunda est en liberté, la population civile demeure en grand danger. Au lieu de prendre ces avertissements au sérieux, l'ONU a décidé de faire ce fameux criminel de guerre un partenaire ignorant même qu'en 2005, le gouvernement du Congo a émis un mandat d'arrêt international contre lui pour ses implications dans de nombreux crimes de guerre et autres graves violations des droits humains. "Sans mentionner que les plus prestigieux organismes de ce monde comme Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International et d'autres ont commencé à documenter les crimes de guerre et crimes contre l'humanité commis par les troupes sous le commandement direct de NKUNDA depuis 2002, pourquoi il demeure impuni" a demandé M. SEKOMBO?

"C'est à la fois ironique et tragique; la MONUC qui est au Congo pour aider à promouvoir la paix, est maintenant engagé dans la promotion d'une culture de récompenser les criminels de guerre en les aidant à être nommés à des postes gouvernementaux de haut niveau au lieu de faire en sorte que ces criminels de guerre soient jugés pour l'ampleur des crimes de guerre qu'ils commettent", a déclaré M. SEKOMBO. Il a également dénoncé l'échec de la MONUC à prendre les mesures appropriées pour arrêter NKUNDA, malgré les nouvelles preuves montrant que ses troupes continuent de commettre des crimes odieux contre des civils innocents, y compris les massacres répétés de civils, enrôlement de force des enfants comme combattants et ensuite utiliser pour attaquer des populations civiles et la violence sexuelle contre les femmes et les enfants. "Nous pensons également qu'il n'est pas trop tard pour l'ONU d'aider à transformer la situation au Congo, mais la paix et la justice doivent aller main dans la main" a souligné M. SEKOMBO

MPJC a lancé une pétition pour recueillir des signatures de citoyens concernés à travers le monde pour exiger la Mission des Nations Unies au Congo (MONUC) à arrêter immédiatement le notoire criminel de guerre Nkunda. Des citoyens du monde entier sont en train de signer la pétition, y compris ceux de l'Australie, la Belgique, le Brésil, le Canada, les Etats-Unis, le Kenya, la Suède, le Rwanda, la France, l'Allemagne, le Danemark, l'Allemagne, l'Italie, la Nouvelle-Zélande, la Norvège, les Philippines du Sud, Afrique, le Malawi, le Burundi, le Sénégal, le Nigéria, l'Espagne, le Japon, le Royaume-Uni, le Venezuela, la Chine, le Zimbabwe, la Tanzanie et l'Ouganda. La pétition en ligne peut être signée à

À propos de la MJPC. MJPC ( vise à ajouter une voix dans la promotion de la justice et la paix dans la République démocratique du Congo en particulier à l'est où des milliers d'innocents civils, y compris les enfants et les femmes continuent d'être victimes de violations massives des droits humains alors que les groupes armés responsables de ces crimes restent impunis. Visitez le musée en ligne des victimes de la guerre au Congo à pour voir la barbarie inacceptable que vous pouvez aider à arrêter par la signature de la pétition. Pour plus d'informations sur MJPC et de leurs activités, visitez le wbsite ou appelez 916 753 5717. La pétition en ligne peut être signée à
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DR Congo peaces talk to resume in January, says UN envoyAfrican Press Agency - Dakar,SenegalAPA-Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) The peace talks on the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), which still remain a concern to the international community will ...See all stories on this topic
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Sunday, December 21, 2008

DR Congo to resume peace talks with rebels in JanuaryAFPNAIROBI (AFP) — Peace talks between the Democratic Republic of Congo government and rebel forces in the eastern provinces will resume on January 7, ...See all stories on this topic

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AFPRebels accuse army of advancing in eastern DR CongoAFPKINSHASA (AFP) — Democratic Republic of Congo rebels on Saturday accused the army of advancing into positions that could spark renewed conflict in the east ...See all stories on this topic

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